Bio-Individual Diets & Intuitive Eating: Choose the Foods That Make Your Body Feel Its Best

Bio-Individual Diets & Intuitive Eating: Choose the Foods That Make Your Body Feel Its Best




Bio-Individual Diets & Intuitive Eating: Choose the Foods That Make Your Body Feel Its Best 

The great Spanish artist Pablo Picasso once complained that he "learned nothing except to love things and eat them alive."

By Mark Zuleger-Thyss




During the summer of 2018, world-famous chef, Ferran Adrià, launched a highly anticipated exhibition called 'Picasso's Kitchen' at a museum in Barcelona. The retrospective conveyed Pablo Picasso's lifelong love affair with food and portrayed his abstract art through "a metaphor of creation."



The show, with more than 180 works of art scattered in 10 rooms, explored the great Spanish artist's relationship with eating, cookery, and food. Strolling through the exhibition was like making one's way through a multi-course meal.

Picasso was the epitome of the disruptive artist, the type of individual any creative person hopes to become. He was an extraordinary and multi-faceted person - a domineeringly prolific and celebrated artist. And this exhibition clarified that food was Picasso's constant touchstone in his life and art.

Picasso was not a general-purpose artist; loved by many but not understood by all. His works of art were not mass-produced and were never intended for the John Singer Sargent type of art audience.



Picasso's culinary tastes were down-to-earth. He loved Catalan sausage and beans. He ate simply throughout his life – fresh fish, a little wine, and lots of fruits and vegetables, and it was no wonder he lived to the ripe old age of 91.


Picasso lived in Barcelona, and it was there that he became an unconventional artist, displaying a precocious talent from an early age. Picasso felt the kitchen was the center of the home – a source of warmth and sustenance. But only his close friends and relatives knew how much time he spent there cooking for himself.

What many people did know was that Picasso frequented his favorite café, El Quatre Gats (The Four Cats), virtually every night to eat, drink, and meet other artists. He always had a pencil and a sketchbook. At the end of the evening, he'd auction off his sketches, usually selling for around one Peseta – about the same price as a bottle of house wine. 

Picasso’s habits - eating, drinking, sleeping, and painting - defined his life.




Picasso ~ Portrait of a Prolific Artist

Just like his iconic Breton-striped blue shirt, Picasso was no ordinary man.

In his life, Picasso produced around 147,800 pieces of art. They comprise 13,500 paintings, 100,000 prints and engravings, 300 sculptures and ceramics, and 34,000 illustrations - all accomplished in an impressive 78-year career.




No ‘One-Way-or-the-Highway.’



Finding Your Way!

Each person is distinctive; there is no such thing as 'one size fits all' - every individual is unique and constantly changing. Picasso was a remarkable person - a one of a kind. He may have loved simple food, but he was not a simple person - his diet was of his own creation, just like his art.

Just because one person thrives eating gluten-free or leads a paleo lifestyle doesn't mean it will work for everyone. Every human body is unique; start looking at your needs rather than mimicking something that works for someone else. This is how we might best understand our bio-individuality.

In his 1956 book, Biochemical Individuality, Roger Williams asserted that individuality permeates each part of the human body.

Bio Individuality understands there is no general-purpose, default diet because, like Picasso, every person is a distinctive organism with unique nutritional needs. The foods we eat, moods and emotions, our active or sedentary lifestyle, our sleeping habits, and our physical environment are all considered.


Bio Individual Diets - Yours

A professional nutritionist can help you determine what diet works best for your body. 

The bio-individual approach to nutrition looks at the relationships between symptoms and underlying biological pathways. It can, however, involve testing different diets and allergens to see what makes you feel and perform best.

The bio-individual nutrition discovery process could include removing allergens like gluten, casein, grains, starches, dairy, and others from your diet completely. There are other diets that limit phenol, amines, histamines, glutamate, oxalate, and salicylate.

Once you know what foods work best for your body, you can create a dietary strategy that will support your health and development.


Intuitive Eating & You

Bio-individual diets are closely associated with intuitive eating.

In addition to finding and eating the foods that make your body feel best, intuitive eating involves feeding yourself the right amount based on your body’s hunger and fullness signals throughout the day.

It has been shown that intuitive eating can promote a healthy attitude toward food and body image and help many better understand when they should pick up the fork and put it down.


Here are some basic principles of intuitive eating:


  • Don't focus on losing weight; only eat when you're hungry.
  • It is essential to make peace with food and stop eating when satisfied.
  • Try exploring new foods and using spices and herbs to make your meals tastier and more satisfying.
  • Don't eat because you're upset; pay attention to how you feel.
  • It is essential to love and respect your body. Please keep it in motion by exercising or simply enjoying the outdoors.





Who knows, maybe drinking a bottle of Spanish red wine every night comes into play here, too.

Or maybe being proud over having been named, Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso was a factor, too.

Like his name, Picasso was an exceptionally singular artistic genius.








Die Natur liefert uns alles, was wir benötigen



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