Ernährung | Organon, Organum, Organism
Organon, Organum … Organism …
These instruments, these living cells
Independent living units, organized …
The many, endowed with life,
become The One
Autonomy, Reproduction, and Development
A symphony is playing inside you. A constant rhythmic movement, one where each cell is singing its tune, but in unison.
There is a place where the inside ends and the outside begins. To be you, to be a cell, there must be an edge, a boundary. There must be a membrane, a skin—an outer limit.
The boundary of a cell is its membrane. The place where one cell ends, and another cell begins. To be you, to be a cell, you must distinguish yourself from all the others.
A cell needs pores to permit nutrients to move in and out. This is the beginning of the story of nutrition and nourishment.
To feed yourself at a cellular level, an understanding of the mitochondria is required
The Four Nourishments of Life
Much of the Buddhist philosophy on mindful eating reflects what scientists now know thousands of years later. It would be best if you ate a well-balanced diet.
The Buddha spoke of four kinds of nutriments of life that enable living beings to grow and survive. The first is edible food, the second is the food of sense impressions, the third is the food of volition, and the fourth is the food of consciousness.
Edible Food & Feeding the Body - The Zen Way
Zen means to go with the flow. It is a Japanese word from the Chinese word Ch’an, meaning meditation. The Zen masters teach us to eat mindfully, showing gratitude for the source of life during a meal. This way of thinking comes from a centuries-old Eastern philosophy called Zen Buddhism.
Interested in cellular nutrition? Approach the topic mindfully by investigating on a deeper level. There are over 37 trillion cells in the human body, but we need only start with one.
Investigate these topics below:
Biochemical Individuality, Cellular Nutrition, and the Story of Cells.
Mitochondria, Detoxification, and Creating Energy.
Cellular Nutrition is Personal and it can be Optimized
Die Bedeutung der Ernährung
Frieden beginnt in Küchen, Vorratskammern, Gärten und Hinterhöfen, wo unsere Lebensmittel angebaut und zubereitet werden. Die Energien der Natur und des unendlichen Universums werden durch die Nahrung, die wir essen, aufgenommen und in unser Denken und Handeln umgewandelt.
Michio Kushi, One Peaceful World
Topics in Nutrition
Integrative Nutrition
Biochemical Individuality
Bio-individual Nutrition & Diets and Intuitive Eating
Nutriments of Life: Edible Food & Feeding the Body
The New Human: The Natural or the Augmented
The Story of Cells
The Cell: Living decoding machine for genes
Genes: Instructions that build proteins
Well-balanced Diet
Ayurveda & Body Types
Cellular Nutrition
Nutrient Absorption
The Microbiome
Classes of Nutrients
Energetics of Foods
Food & Nutrients versus Sustenance
Organelles: cell parts that help maintain homeostasis
Mitochondria, Detoxification, and Creating Energy
Repair, Restore, and Recovery
Food-Mood Connection
The Digestive System & Ancestry
Genetically determined nutrition requirements
Personal Differences: anatomy, metabolism, body fluids, and cell structure
Die Natur liefert uns alles, was wir benötigen
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