Be a Flower ~ just Be


The Nature of Things

An Exchange of Mutual Benefit


Do yourself a favor ~ be a flower

Just Be



Perhaps long ago, our ancestors learned that humans shared something special with plant life.

Plants spoke to humans and described all the ways they could be helpful to them, saying there was something each could receive from the other.

From there, a beautiful relationship began. Each learned how to nourish, heal, calm, uplift, and bring enjoyment to the other.

The relationship blossomed, and until now, an exchange of mutual benefit exists.



Find a fertile place to plant yourself ~ your seed.

All that you are—your kernel, your core, and your soul—are all compressed into one seed of infinite potential.

Be a flower and watch as the world gathers around you to enjoy your beauty, brilliance, and sweet fragrance.


You will attract everything you need, especially all the love and admiration* others have for you ...

Be a flower.

Just Be.






L'EMDR comme méthode de psychothérapie pour l'anxiété, la panique, le SSPT et les traumatismes


Dalla Funzione al Comportamento, la Complessità dell'amigdala del Tuo Cervello








La Philosophie de Vie Personnelle

Ce morceau de poésie est aussi de bons conseils. Faire votre travail à votre manière est une expression de votre moi le plus profond et vous apportera beaucoup de joie, à vous et à ceux qui vous entourent.

Ce poème est dédié à toutes les personnes spéciales, dont la vie et les œuvres brillent de mille feux.






The Universe Teaches Us Responsibility*

A flower in bloom emanates beauty and attracts love and admiration.

As a multisensory human, you know the heart delights in all that is. The heart includes. The heart embraces all and has no limitations on its ability to accommodate all.

Love is an energy you send out. Believe that a loving world surrounds you, and the world will validate your belief by sending you people who love and admire you.




Die Natur liefert uns alles, was wir benötigen 


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