Das Interview


Four Rules for Life

Show up, pay attention, tell the truth, and let go of the result



Keeping Life Simple | Job Matching & The Interview


There are four rules for life, and while many prodigious people have expressed the sentiment in other creative ways, the message is always the same.

In American English, there is a saying: "KISS" or "Keep it simple, Stupid." Yet, a more concise way of communicating this ~ and what is especially important for a job interview ~ is this: 



"Show up. Pay attention. Tell the truth. Don't be attached to the results."



These four ways reflect a pervasive belief that life will be simple if we practice four basic principles.


Show up or choose to be present,

Pay attention to what has heart and meaning,

Tell the truth without blame or judgment, and

Be open, rather than attached to, the outcome.



Keep these four rules in mind when interviewing for a job ...

or when you are asking the Universe to bring something important into your life.





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